Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Angels In Unexpected Places

Life as we know it in the Michel house is about to change.  We are staring down what looks like the end of Jeff’s job.  And as a single income family this is an extremely stressful position to be in.  Soon I will be going back to work after being a Stay-At-Home-Mom for 12 years which is going to be a big adjustment for the boys & me.   Add to that all the stuff that’s been going on with Jeff’s family and the four of us were pretty much on stress overload.
Jeff decided we needed to go do something to get our minds off everything for a little while but we’re trying to save as much money as we can since at this point we don’t know how many more paychecks he’ll be getting. (And I don’t start work until December.)  I called my Mom to see if there were any free activities noted in the paper and she suggested we go someplace different for ice cream than our local DQ.  It’s not free but pretty darn cheap.  This was a great idea!
We headed out for Jordan’s in West Kittanning, not even sure that they would still be open this late in the year.  This is where I think the divine intervention stepped in.  The glowing neon OPEN sign was such a welcome sight.  The four of us and the owner were the only people there.  We all ordered our ice cream and since he was getting ready to close for the night and had already cleaned the dining room we just hung out around the counter and chatted with him.  An angel sent with just the right words.
While we were standing there talking about how big the ice cream cones were the conversation shifted a bit.  He told us how he would be closing for the season soon and had already laid off his employees for the winter.  So it was just him for the next week or so.  I think he noticed that we had that worried & weary look about us and as we talked Jeff started telling him what was going on in our lives.  Along with the laughter and ice cream he gave us some wonderful words of wisdom.  Among was this bit of advice….
“This is big. Bigger than you can handle alone.  So give it to God and let him show you what to do.” 
We talked for about an hour while we tried to finish our giant ice cream cones before they melted all over us and by the time we headed home we were all feeling much better.  While we are facing some big changes to the routines we are used to in our lives we will make new routines and while big changes are scary life is full of change.  So we have to learn to adapt and one way or another it will all work out.
I would like to sincerely thank Jeff from Jordan’s for being so kind and offering such caring words to our family. 
Those are "small" ice cream cones!

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